Establish Development Appeals Board

Sep 20, 2024

Notice: Establishment of Development Appeals Board

The Town of Maple Creek is seeking qualified individuals to sit on a Development Appeals Board. The function of a development appeals board is to hear appeals where the appellant disagrees with certain development-related decisions made by a municipality. In its role as adjudicator, a development appeals board is expected to be fair and impartial.

In filling its role, the development appeals board has responsibility to ensure:

  • Proper procedures are followed in decision-making;
  • Discretionary municipal planning powers are exercised fairly and based on legally adopted official community plan policies and zoning bylaw controls;
  • Planning decisions made in error are correcting within a reasonable timeframe;
  • Consideration of special or unusual circumstances; and
  • Granting of variance to a zoning bylaw is consistent with the objectives of the zoning bylaw and with the official community plan policies.

Development appeals board members ideally have some experience related to land use, development, or community planning.


  • Demonstrated integrity;
  • Respected by members of the community;
  • A keen interest in and knowledge of the community;
  • Good analytical, critical thinking and reasoning skills;
  • An appreciation of the interest of property owners, developers, and the public;
  • Knowledge of local development process;
  • Willingness to volunteer their time.


Members will be appointed by Council for a term of two years. 

Remuneration and Expenses:

Council sets the remuneration and expenses payable to board members.

If this is an opportunity that interests you, please submit an expression of interest addressed to:

Barry Elliott, CAO
205 Jasper Street
Box 428
Maple Creek, SK  S0N 1N0