Business Licensing

Businesses wishing to operate within the Town of Maple Creek must obtain a valid Business License. The purpose of the Business Bylaw and Licensing procedure is:

  1. To regulate businesses;

  2. To ensure compliance with land-use, zoning and building regulations;

  3. To gather workforce statistics and establish a local business directory;

  4. To facilitate planning decisions.

Application for License

A person must complete the business license application and submit it to the Town for a Business License before commencing any business. An application must include all requested information as outlined in Bylaw No. 2021-MC-13 Business Bylaw, Section 7. All licenses expire on December 31 of year issued. 

Business Bylaw No. 2021-MC-13

Business License Application (initial application)

Business LIcense RENEWAL (Renewal for those with a 2024 business license)

Update Your Business Information

All licensed local businesses may be placed in the online Business Directory to promote and advertise each business with a valid license. Please notify the Town of any changes to the business' contact information, location, and/or services offered to provide an up-to-date business directory.

Business License Categories

There are four categories of business licenses issued by the Town of Maple Creek. Business licenses are valid for one calendar year (January 1 to December 31) and must be renewed annually.

Contact Information

Town of Maple Creek
205 Jasper Street
Phone: (306) 662-2244