Economic Development


Welcome to the Economic Development Office!

Our mission is to support our local businesses and foster economic growth in Maple Creek and area.


Economic Development Officer
Gillian LaBoucane
Box 428
205 Jasper Street

Maple Creek, SK S0N 1N0
Phone number: (306) 662-4829
Fax: (306) 662-4131

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8:30 – 12:00 and 1:00 – 4:30

Hub logoSouthwest Sask Visitor Centre & HUB                 

The Southwest Saskatchewan Tourism Development & Investment Attraction Hub is an exciting regional collaboration initiative based at the Saskatchewan Southwest Visitor Centre, located just off the Trans-Canada Highway north of Maple Creek.

Supported by the Rural Opportunities Fund and managed by Community Futures Southwest, this two-year pilot project focuses on advancing tourism development, supporting business growth, and attracting investment to the Southwest region. A dedicated Steering Committee, made up of representatives from local municipalities and tourism organizations, is driving cooperation and innovation to support these goals.

Maple Creek is proud to be part of this exciting initiative. Stay up to date by following the VRC on Facebook, Instagram & their website: